giovedì 16 agosto 2007

Walk2Web. "Walking" on the Web

Walk2Web is a funny site that allows you to surf on the web starting by an URL. Once you have inserted the url in the apposite web form is very easy to start your "web walk" (you have only to click on the button "walk"). After you've done that you can visualize all the links pointing at the starting web site. If you click here you can start your web walk from my Home Page.

P.S. This is my first post in English. Starting by now I'll try to use more frequently this language. If you'll find errors or mistakes in my English you can write me an e-mail with subject: "errori di inglese sul blog". I'll try to improve my English also with your feedback.
Via. You can find more explanations (about Walk2Web) here

2 commenti:

Antonio ha detto...

Hi Mr. Lieto..
Congratulations for your choice!
It's a good idea to increase your visibility on web, and that one of your blog!
I didn't read you for last weeks and now i'm trying your blog very interesting (like before and more, if possible).
My English is bad too, as you can observe.

So I wish you to continue in this good adventure and I hope to have the time to read your posts in the next weeks.



Anonimo ha detto...

Hi Mr E-Adv..

Thanks for your words. It's always a pleasure for me to receive your comments.