I'm back to my blog after one year of stop. Many things happened (one year is one year).
The most important:
First: Unfortunately my grandparent (from my father) is no longer with us. So sad.
Second: I finished my doctoral program and obtained my Ph.D. at the University of Salerno in June 2012.
Third: In May 2012 I moved to the Department od Computer Science of the University of Turin for a post-doc fellowship.
Fourth: I met a lot of interesting people at the conferences, workshops and summer schools attended this year (e.g. at sssw2012) and, with some of them, we are trying to build a research collaboration.
In this period I'm full of work but also have a lot of ideas that I'd like to develop (but the things are two: or I really have no time or I'm unable to organize properly my time).
I hope to update the blog more frequently in the next months. Keep in touch.